Do you or your children like Halloween? The holiday is already so popular in Spain that many adults and children celebrate it every year. Maybe not going out trick-or-treating, but taking the opportunity to have a costume party or a horror movie session. Is it your case.

In addition, Halloween decorations with pumpkins and all kinds of scary references are also very popular on social networks. If you dare to make some with your children, here are some suggestions.

Easy Halloween decorations to make with the family

The classic option of decorating natural pumpkins with scary faces is a classic that all children love and helps them to express their creativity and fears.

All you have to do is get several large pumpkins, make a hole in the top and start emptying them with an ice cream spoon or soup tureen. Once the pumpkin has been hollowed out, the best thing to do is for the children to think about what kind of eyes, nose and mouth they want to carve out. You can get some examples from the internet or create your own..

To finish and achieve a ghostly effect, place a candle inside each pumpkin. In this way you will create the classic lantern that is placed on the doors of houses and that the Anglo-Saxons call Jack O'Lantern.

Other ways to create personalised pumpkin decorations can also delight adults. If you paint small pumpkins in white, pastel or nude colours, for example, you will have a perfect autumn decoration as a table centrepiece..

The little ones will also love to create garlands to put around the house or in their room, with ghosts, bats, witches or Halloween pumpkins.

Crochet pumpkins are also in fashion, and you can find tutorials on Instagram. However, this is a job for more experienced hands.

Plans for Halloween night

If you like scary movies and so do your family and friends, prepare a special cinema evening. Choose by consensus which films to watch, especially taking into account whether there is a children's audience or just adults.

Many horror film fans like to organise a double bill that combines a classic of the genre with a more recent film.

Almost every platform always releases a scary movie in October to take advantage of the Halloween buzz - check them out!

Don't forget to create the perfect atmosphere, not only with typical holiday decorations, but also with candles, candelabras or lanterns scattered around the room - a must!

For snacks, you can make biscuits in fun shapes: spiders, bats, ghosts, skulls, mummies, whatever you can think of! With puff pastry it is easy to create little mummies filled with sausages or ham as a savoury snack. Carrot sticks can be turned into zombie fingers and used for dipping in guacamole or hummus and some grapes can be used to fill a bowl with monster eyes. Check out all the ideas you can find on the internet or create your own Halloween snacks!

Scary movies for all audiences

It's a party that invites us to give free rein to our creativity, to have fun, regardless of whether we like scary movies or scary stories, and children love it!

If you are going to celebrate a cinema session with the little ones, there are more friendly films aimed at them such as Hocus Pocus, Haunted Mansion, The Witches, Ghostbusters or The Adams Family.

The animated films include the Hotel Transylvania saga and ParaNorman.

If there's not enough room for everyone on the sofa in the living room, spread some cushions on the floor or on the carpet to keep everyone warm, and give out blankets or duvets for everyone. You'll have something to cover your faces in the scariest moments!