One of the great pleasures of summer is breakfast. Firstly, if you are on holiday, you may have more time to prepare and enjoy them.

In addition, as sometimes in summer we get up earlier due to the heat and the early sunrises, we can take advantage of the opportunity to prepare them outside, in the fresh air, and enjoy the cooler hours of the day.

If you don't have a terrace, patio or garden, maybe you can do it when you're on holiday somewhere special. Or if not, you can always treat yourself to a delicious brunch breakfast indoors.

Of course, a memorable breakfast, in addition to boasting magnificent food, if served on a beautiful table and decorated with care for the occasion, will taste even better!

Beautiful tablecloths for your summer breakfasts

In this article we take the opportunity to recommend beautiful summer tablecloths that will delight your family and friends when serving that delicious breakfast we talked about.

In addition, each tablecloth design matches an international type of breakfast. Take a trip with us through these delicacies and accept these gastronomic and decorative suggestions - let's start the summer journey!

1. Oriental breakfast including tea ceremony

Transport yourself to ancient Kyoto by preparing a magnificent oriental breakfast. Carefully perform the tea ceremony and enjoy unique flavours and comforting delicacies, different from what your palate is used to.

Immerse yourself in Japanese culture with an oriental breakfast of matcha green tea and a light Japanese cheesecake. Delicious! Serve it all on a tablecloth full of vegetable prints, birds and soft colours like our Chinoiserie design. And it doesn't need ironing!

2. Mediterranean breakfast in the middle of the countryside or with sea view

Here we play at home, but depending on where you are or where you want to move to, there will be some differences. Your typical Mediterranean breakfast will be different if you go into Greek, Israeli or Italian cuisine, not to mention French or our own.

Here are some delicacies that you can prepare for your Mediterranean breakfast in the middle of a beautiful country house or on a coastal terrace. The tablecloths we recommend for this occasion are the Spring Time or Blooming designs, where wild vegetation and bright colours are the main protagonists.

  • French breakfast: Freshly baked crispy croissants, pain au chocolat or classic toast with butter and homemade jam.
  • Greek breakfast: A delicious loaf of bread with a bed of ripe tomato, feta cheese and black olives drizzled with olive oil will taste wonderful. And if you want more, make yourself a bowl of yoghurt, cereal and berries - yum!
  • Italian breakfast: You can go savoury with rich toast with tomatoes, ricotta and basil leaves or have a traditional plum-cake with berries.
  • Israeli breakfast: One of the country's traditional breakfasts is Shakshuka, which combines eggs with a spicy sauce, cheese and pita bread, giving you energy for the whole morning!

3. Brunch on the charming terrace of your city flat

If you haven't yet gone on holiday or you're spending the summer in the city, prepare the most copious and delicious brunch with an urban tablecloth.

Eggs Benedict, the typical English breakfast with beans or sausages or the American breakfast of pancakes or scrambled eggs with bacon.

Prepare whatever you like and enjoy! Drink tea, coffee, fruit juices or make yourself a cocktail. The Bellini or the Mimosa are the most typical for a Sunday brunch.